Thursday 4 June 2020

Guia sobre cómo invertir en bolsa

A la hora de aprender sobre bolsa nos encontramos con un millón de blogs diferentes. Es muy difícil de seleccionar la mejor información y podemos acabar saturados, sin una clara dirección a la hora de aprender y retener la información.
Realmente, lo que más te va a enseñar sobre bolsa es invertir tu propio dinero e ir perfilando reglas y proporciones sobre cómo gestionar tu portafolio en función del riesgo que estés dispuesto a asumir.
El equipo técnico de Folionet ha puesto una guía sobre cómo invertir en la bolsa de valores que es la guía perfecta para un principiante.
Esta guía te indica la decena de cosas clave que debes entender antes de invertir tu propio dinero en bolsa. No te va a decir qué acciones ni qué ETFs comprar, esto es algo que tú mismo tienes que decidir en función de tus gustos y de tus objetivos.
Una de las cosas que la guía recomienda es de hecho invertir en sectores que te gusten y sobre los que tengas cierto conocimiento.
Por ejemplo si has trabajado como agente inmobiliario puede que tengas cierta ventaja a la hora de invertir n REITS o en crowdfunding inmobiliario.
O si por ejemplo te interesa mucho la tecnología puedes invertir en empresas que estén actualmente invirtiendo en coches eléctricos.
Esto dependerá de tu juicio. Pero lo importante es empezar a jugar con unos principios sólidos e importantes, que son los que te guiarán en el proceso.
Realmente esto se aplica a cualquier otra cosa que quieras aprender. Es bueno construir pilares sólidos con la ayuda de libros pero siempre tienes que practicar y cometer errores.
A veces cometes errores sin que te des cuenta, por eso te puede ayudar muchísimo tener un mentor que vea por encima las cosas que estás haciendo y te indique el qué tienes que mejorar.

Estás preparado para comenzar a construir tu portafolio en la bolsa? Entonces esta guía te va a dar una gran ventaja comparativa.

Monday 1 June 2020

Reformas para mejorar la eficiencia energética de tu hogar.

Reformas para mejorar la eficiencia energética de tu hogar.

Hoy en día hacer una reforma integral de tu piso no es como antes.
A lo mejor antes la prioridad era tener unos muebles y una decoración acorde con la moda del momento.
Hoy en día la prioridad está cambiando hacia la eficiencia energética. Estas mejoras no solamente pueden hacerte ahorrar mucho dinero en facturas energéticas, sino que también pueden revalorizar mucho el precio de tu vivienda por si te apetece venderla en un futuro cercano.
Pero quizá la mayor ventaja de reformar tu casa teniendo en cuenta la eficiencia energética es para el medio ambiente. Y en estos tiempo en lo que todo nos afecta globalmente estamos cada vez más convencidos de que esto es bueno para todos.
Si tu piso está en Bilbao o Bizkaia y vas a hacer una reforma tienes que hacerlo con una empresa de reformas integrales en Bilbao que tenga una larga experiencia y una garantía de calidad.
Aquí van algunos cambios que puedes hacer en tu hogar para mejorar la eficiencia energética de tu hogar.

Idealmente puedes forrar las paredes con poliestireno expandido, ya que eso aislar térmicamente y acústicamente.
Ten en cuenta también los puentes térmicos y asegúrate de sustituir la madera antigua por carpintería nueva de alta calidad o alternativamente cambiar las ventanas y las puertas por puertas y ventanas de aluminio o pvc.

Falso Techo
Si quieres aislar la temperatura deberás instalar falsos techos con materiales aislantes ya que los normales no aíslan el puente térmico. Esto es especialmente importante si tu piso está en el último piso, ya que la temperatura se va por el tejado de la casa y es importante aislar este bien.

Instalaciones nuevas
es muy recomendable actualizar tus instalaciones de calefacción por nuevas. Por ejemplo si tienes una caldera de gas natural de más de 12 años, ahorrarás mucha energía si la cambias por una moderna. Lo mismo te ocurrirá con calderas eléctricas y bombillas. En este apartado es muy importante poner bombillas led, que consumen un 80% que las bombillas tradicionales.

En tu reforma es también importante que pienses en la seguridad del hogar. En este apartado es crucial que cambies los cilindros de tu puerta por bombines de seguridad que te protejan del bumping, el método de robo más utilizado hoy en día.

Monday 27 August 2012

The Book Club Shoreditch, club review


The Book Club,

100 Leonard street. Shoreditch EC2A 4RH

The other day I was Time-outing my Saturday night and I found this place by chance. I was triggered by a 'seem to be interesting'- gig. We gave it a try and it turned out to be a good choice!

The book club is a rather large place with two floors. Upstairs there is food and drinks served, with seats and a Ping Pong table. Ideal if you go out with a non-loquacious mate. The decoration is rather original and the place is comfortable.
Downstairs there are more seats and a dance-floor with stage.
Upstairs is resided by Well-off hipsters, the Shoreditch-native people, but downstair the atmosphere was more varied, more down to earth and less pretentious. I reckon the regular customers are found upstairs and downstairs is the destiny for the free urban explorers that use time out to discover London 'like myself`'. It is a busy place, we went at 8 pm and it was already overcrowded, so we went straight downstairs, and started warming up with the fantastic Dj.
We found the specialty of the house are the Cocktails. These are explained on the white tiles that decorate the place. Yet the descriptions of the cocktails are not very functional, as they evoke fantasies that are once more tasted when actually drinking the thing.

We took Sweet as a Nut, Passion Quila and Mur-Der. Each cost around 7-8 range. The waiter took quite long, what is good when you pay that money for a drink. The result was good but nothing to lose your mind about. If you go for beer they have Peroni, Pilsner Urquell, Modelo, Sol, and Amstel from the tap. My second Urquell was too warm, but be the bartender forgiven.

After dancing Woogie Boogie and 50s and 60s rocks that the Dj gave, we saw the severed Limb, a fun Skiffle band that we enjoyed a lot. Another post is dedicated to this band.


Service 8
Quality 7
Price: 6.5
facilities 7
Events 9
Toilets 7
Dj 8
Overall: 7.6

Friday 24 August 2012

Wanna print digital pics? Photobox!

I think is important to provide good feedback when it is worth. The same applies to bad feedback. But when you give good feedback it feels better because it is more likely that the recipient will take it more positively than negative feedback.
Couple of weeks ago I printed my holiday photos in Photobox. They took only three days after i order them and as a new customer I got 50 prints for free. The offer is changing but they have good deals, the pics look good and the delivery is fast. The pictures came in a cool transparent box with an opening button.
They have competitive prices for basic prints (from 5p!) and also for enlargements.
I recommend this website, which looks good and it is very easy to use. Check it out, They can make cushions and mugs with your picture!

How to enjoy Regent's Canal

Built on the first half of the 19th Century, in the Victorian glory, it flows through from the Grand Union Canal to the river Thames. 13 locks level its water along a 13 km long line.
It was designed for water transport what led to the construction of several warehouses on their sides. It was not made for Outdoor activities!
Along with the revitalization of the Docklands and East London, this canal has become a hub for leisure and urban life. Indeed, one can practice cycling, strolling, jogging or canoeing. A lovely place to enjoy landscapes, take beautiful photographs and even dare to cross through the locks (not very recommendable). The whole Canal feels like a real breach in the concrete jungle. It has a Victorian decadent charm, with many other canals ending up in it and many bridges crossing it upon, specially around Victoria Park.

In the summer the flora of the canal becomes greener, and around one finds lots of plants and trees. The fauna is varied, Swans, other birds, and I guess fish, but I don't have the pleasure. I always find people sitting by fishing but I don't want to know what they do with their catches. There are active efforts for natural conservation and I think they have done a great job. Also there are cultural activities such as the floating market in Mile End.
Among its attractions I recommend the Ragged School museum, slightly before Johnson's lock, which shows a Victorian east End school. It opens Wednesdays and Thrusdays from 10am to 5pm, and between 2pm and 5pm on the first Sunday of each month. After that, you can visit Mile End ecology Park, which is very well taken care of and a perfect pace to relax and meditate.

The human fauna is bio-diverse too. One finds around mostly William Borroughs-inspired hypsters and self-allegedly artists. Also a trendier sub-species of hypster is found, you'll recognize him by his Rayban's if it is a bright day. You can also find young professionals, healthy educated joggers, South Asian wannabe-mafiosos, Muslim and non-muslim couples and several drunks, especially at the junction with Mile End Road. But the most sedentary population are the members of the boating community. You find these lazing on a weekday afternoon on the deck of their boats, playing guitar, smoking rolling fags and dreaming on a better world?
Some helpful tips:
-If you want to enjoy the Canal for outdoor activities, avoid peak time at around 6pm where everybody uses it.
-Avoid using the Canal on Saturdays after 12, specially around broadway Market in Hackney.
-Remember, there is no fence that prevents you from falling to the water, in which case you should seek medical advice.
-There are no well established lanes, and people do not know whether they should walk on the right or left side. This leads to annoyed faces and stress, which is the opposite of what we came to the Canal for.
-When the canal goes under bridges, which are usually arched, there is a narrow space to walk through, and if you are relatively tall you need to crouch a bit
-The best time to use Regent's canal is early in the morning. There is usually a very charming and fresh morning fog.
-Some unconsciously antisocial cyclists love to play Mark Cavendish in the Canal, regardless the amount of people using it. If you consider too violent to push them towards the water, please kindly remind them of how dangerously fast they ride.
-Perfect for bohemian night adventures. But do it with nothing valuable on your pockets, and a pepper spray if you are a dame.


Wednesday 22 August 2012

Diet on a Budget

We all have tried different kinds of diet plans, and more than once we have experienced the difficulties of choosing the right foods and planning their ingestion. I am not here today to talk about what to eat. Actually that is a mystery to me. In the end, the point of the diet should be to eat healthy and most important of all, to plan what and when you eat. If you do not plan your meals you will be eating things you don't need at the times you should not be eating them and you will be wasting money.
There is a misunderstanding that if you eat well you spend more, but this is absolutely wrong, just because if you follow a diet, you will control what you eat and therefore what you spend. And you will save more money than improvising and getting hungry in the middle of Oxford Street. This post is about how to save money with your diet by doing your weekly shooping in Iceland, Poundland, the cooperative, Lidl and street food-stalls.
I am currently following a basic diet that consist of 6 mini-meals per day and includes lots of protein, low-fat (but nothing radical, I like to enjoy life), and moderate carbs (last time I tried not to get carbs I was fainting in the evenings). I allow myself one day of indulgement, on which I go out with my girlfriend to eat something 'tasty'.
Especially if you are a student, and you are living impoverished, you will find this tips very useful and relieving. I have calculated how much this diet costs me a week and the calculator shows £30. It must be said that I am buying non-organic products and this diet is not the most environmentally responsible. You will be buying food that travels by plane all over the world, and perhaps supports unethical business practices. But it is cheap.

A saving tip is that you can somehow replace expensive protein shakes for home made ones. A simple recipe is half pint of milk, one whole egg, three egg-whites and a banana (Courtesy of my friend Luis). You blend that and you get a delicious shake full of proteins and potasium.

So let's go shopping.

Street markets
In the UK you find street markets. In East London there are several street markets such as Whitechapel and Crisp Street, where you find Stalls run by Asians who sell fruits and veggies very cheap. Some people I know are very apprehensive to these stalls and think that they sell rubbish. That is because they have never bought from them.
I visit their stalls to buy tomatos, onions, carrots, potatoes, which I use to make a soup for my lunches. You usually get bags full of veggies for £1. The same applies to fruits; you get a lot of fruits such as bananas, oranges and apples for £1.

This German food chain does not shine for its sophisticated brand. Everybody I know hates the company but everybody craves its presence in their neighbourhood. I am lucky enough to live 5 minutes away from one. I must say that its brand is not cool, the service is slow and the products do not look brilliant, but it helps me out with some choices, such as olive oil and dairy products. Here is a list of things you can find for your diet:
Cottage cheese 200g 46p
Quick oats. 500G 39p
Milk, 4 pints £1
Eggs 15 for £1.25
Wholewheat bred 1 loaf 47p
Smoked salmon 200g £2.37
Olive oil 700ml £2.25
Well, this is not Waitrose if you know what I mean. I used to be suspicious about this chain until a friend of mine introduced me the endless land of the 'one pound worth' stuff. You can actually find very interesting things for £1. Use your imagination and you may embarrass the interior designer of the average Waitrose customer. They also sell food for £1:

Tuna flakes. 2 cans (170g each) for £1
Oxo beef stock for your soups 9 cubes £1

Another luxury brand, but they sell more than frozen products!!! Yet here we will be buying only frozen ones. Mind that some of the products such as the chicken breasts may contain some chemicals that we do not really want.

Milk, 2pints for £1
Chicken breasts, 1.2kg for £5
White fish, 900g for £4
Broccoli, 900g £1
Wholeleaf Spinach, 900g £1

The Co-operative
Another brand I dislike. The good thing is that they have specialised foodstuffs at a good price (but normal groceries are too expensive).

Brown rice 1kg £1.69
wholewheat pasta 500g 90p
raw beans and lentils 500g £1.09


 Especially Halal butcher's offer good quality meat for cheap prices. Non-muslim people are usually dubious about these places, but I strongly recommend them (and I'm not muslim)

Chiken breast fillets 1kg £4.99
Beef Mince 1kg £4.99

To be honest, I wish I could do this shopping in Waitrose, and also have a cool interior designer. Meanwile, one has to think how to get more for less.

Good luck with your diet and personal development!